At 7:19 yesterday evening, Bill charged through the finish line (OK, so Rhonda and I were holding TP across the path) at Whitney Portal.
After a few hours sleep, he charged right up the Portal road at a very steady pace and finished the official Badwater 135 course strong. The entire crew was there to welcome him in, and we proceeded en masse to a celebratory dinner at Seasons during which Bill consumed beer and elk as a nice change from Cytomax, pudding and Pringles.
Today, Bill is resting while Nancy attempts to secure permits for the mountain attempt tomorrow.
I should correct a minor factual error on my part -- Rhonda and Bernhard encountered Ben at Panamint over breakfast. Bill has yet to be visitated by the man.
----- Deborah (Lone Pine)
congrads Bill, and everyone, deborah, rhonda, rich, hugs all around.
Yeah, Bill. Now I'm inspired. I'm going out for a walk right now.